
Translate your maps and points into multiple languages

Need to include translations to other languages, or translate the entire plugin for a client? We've set everything up to work with WPML.

You'll need to first enable the Mapster WP maps Post Types in WPML. Go to WPML > Settings > Post Types Translation, and change Maps, Locations, Lines, and Polygons to "Translatable".

Then enable Map Category translation: go to WPML > Settings > Taxonomies Translation, and change Map Categories to "Translatable".

Now you'll be able to make copies of your maps in different languages, and these will automatically pull any category or other translations from your settings.

There is also a setting in Maps > Features, where you can choose to show features from all languages on your map, even if they don't have a translation in the currently active language.

Map Language

You can select the language for a given map on any Map screen. Just go into the Setup tab and select the language you want. You'll need to use Mapbox for this and a style that has the appropriate language available.

Admin Translation

If you need to translate all the backend language, as well, that can be done through WPML's String Translation plugin. Enable this plugin, go to WPML > Theme and plugins localization > Strings in the plugins and select Mapster WP Maps. Scan the plugin for strings.

Head over to WPML > String Translation and enter translations where you think they are needed. Presto -- internationalized!

Note that by default, translations will only appear in the front end of the site. If you want backend translation as well, you will need to enable "Set admin language as editing language" on the Profile page in the Users area of WP.

Last updated